Squeals on Wheels
“Squeals” meets on Thursday mornings (in term-time) from 9.15 to 11.15 a.m. in St Mary’s Church, Sileby. It is for babies and toddlers ( aged 0 to 3 years) along with a parent, grandparent or carer. There are a variety of toys and activities for the children to play with. Tea, coffee, juice and biscuits are also available, giving an opportunity to chat and socialise. We have a Bible story and craft for older children. At the end of the morning, after packing up the toys, we have a sing-song together and share any notices and birthdays.
There is a charge of £1.00 per family to cover costs.
Everyone who works with young people is fully DBS (formerly CRB) checked.
We look forward to welcoming anyone with a baby or young child. Come and join us on a Thursday morning and fill in a registration form on your first visit.
Thanks, the Squeals team.