According to Jesus in Acts 1:8, mission is why we have the Holy Spirit in power. In Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis wrote, ‘The Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ… If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible itself, are simply a waste…
One outcome of the Benefice Day of Prayer on 16th March was that as a Church we should include a Prayer dimension wider than the Benefice. This was implemented by the proposal that we meet monthly for this purpose, initially at Seagrave Church, 7.30 – 8.30 pm, on the 2nd Friday of the month. The…
Life Explored The next Life Explored is due to start on Wednesday 8th May in the evening. We really do need to know numbers urgently in order to confirm that the course will go ahead. So if you are planning on coming and hopefully bringing a friend, please let Duncan know by Monday 29th April.
The purpose of the 1st Wednesday of the month Rector’s surgeries are for me to hear and understand what you think and a chance for you to talk about what is bothering you or challenging you. I am more than happy for you to come and see me and say you didn’t like my last…
The Benefice Lunch Club is held on the first Wednesday of the month (except August) in the St Mary’s Centre. It starts at 12.00 pm and includes a two course meal. Don’t forget to invite any friends or neighbours that might enjoy some company. We really look forward to seeing you. If you have any…
A chance to learn new songs On Tuesday 30th at 7:30pm there will be an opportunity for anyone who would like to join together in order to learn some new worship songs. This is open to all members of the benefice who love to worship through song. If however you do play an instrument, and…
Beer, Bible & Banter The next BBB night is on Tuesday 30th April at 7.30pm in the skittle alley room of the Royal Oak pub in Cossington. James Magowan our guest speaker has a gritty tale to tell. Hailing from the infamous Londonderry Bogside he moved to England and then joined the Britsh Army! He…
The Seagrave Bring and Share lunch occurs on the forth Wednesday of the month. It is held at the back of the church and all are welcome. It is a time for village residents and their friends to share not just their food but, to talk and meet new people. For details telephone Sandy Lewis…
The traditional open air service and walk of witness will take place prior to the 11am service.
Fellowship Meal Maundy Thursday (April 18th) is the day that Christ had his last meal with his disciples. This year we will be sharing a meal together in the St. Mary’s Centre to help us reflect on this followed by communion and worship. The meal will start at 7.00pm. If you are going to come…