bringing God's loving word to God's world
Bring and Share

Bring & Share Lunch – March

The Seagrave Bring and Share lunch occurs on the forth Wednesday of the month. It is held at the back of the church and all are welcome. It is a time for village residents and their friends to share not just their food but, to talk and meet new people. For details telephone Sandy Lewis…

Saint Mary's Church

Compline – Isaiah 49:1-7 and John 12: 20-36

Compline, also known as Complin, is a centuries old service of Prayers at the End of the Day. It is the final church service of the day in the Christian tradition of canonical hours. We will be holding these three Benefice services as a time of contemplation in the run up to Easter.  In this…

Saint Mary's Church

Compline – Isaiah 42:1-9 and John 12:1-11

Compline, also known as Complin, is a centuries old service of Prayers at the End of the Day. It is the final church service of the day in the Christian tradition of canonical hours. We will be holding these three Benefice services as a time of contemplation in the run up to Easter.  In the…

Prestwold Hall

Prestwold Concert

The Annual Simon Packe-Drury-Lowe concert will be held on Friday 9th March 2018 at 7:00 pm for 7:30 pm. A professional concert performed in the delightful setting of Prestwold Hall by the Marmen String Quartet, playing music by Schubert, Mozart and Beethoven. For further information contact Mervyn Harris (elephone 01509 812366 or email [email protected]

St Marys Centre

START Prayer Group

The START Prayer Group is a monthly prayer group for our benefice wide congregation. We pray about issues facing our benefice and beyond

Horse and Trumpet

Comedy Club

It doesn’t matter that Mark Palmer happens to work clean. He’s funny. And funny is the thing that matters when you’re watching a comedian. Having a comedian that is both clean and funny, especially when looking for someone to entertain your guests or MC your event, is a rare thing. Mark’s ability to blend a…

Coffee Morning Table Top Sale

Coffee Morning & Table Top Sales

A table top sale organised by the Friends of St Mary’s to support of the maintenance  of the church building.

Bring and Share

Bring and Share Lunch – February

The Seagrave Bring and Share lunch occurs on the forth Wednesday of the month. It is held at the back of the church and all are welcome. It is a time for village residents and their friends to share not just their food but, to talk and meet new people. For details telephone Sandy Lewis…

St Marys Centre

Start Prayer Group

The START Prayer Group is a monthly prayer group for our benefice wide congregation. We pray about issues facing our benefice and beyond

Cheese and wine

English Cheese & Wine Evening

An evening to enjoy some of the best of English cheeses and and English wine. Tickets are £8.00 each and are available from Mervyn Harris, (Tel: 01509 812366 & email: [email protected]) or any PCC member. Proceeds in aid of Seagrave Church Repair Fund