The Benefice has been asked to host the Deanery Ascension Day Service this year and it will be held at St Mary’s Sileby. The Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, also known as Holy Thursday, Ascension Day, or Ascension Thursday, commemorates the ocassion of the bodily Ascension of Jesus into…
Free to Be – An Event for Christian Women How can we manage a busy life and still find freedom to influence the world around us? As Christian women our identity lies not in the season of our lives, nor in our roles and responsibilities – but in Christ. Join the Care for the Family…
The Seagrave Bring and Share lunch occurs on the forth Wednesday of the month. It is held at the back of the church and all are welcome. It is a time for village residents and their friends to share not just their food but, to talk and meet new people. For details telephone Sandy Lewis…
Easter Sunday service of Holy Communion will be held in Cossington church
This is a Benefice service of reflection and meditation on the meaning of Good Friday and the sacrifice of Jesus.
All age Worship for Good Friday
Good Friday Open air service and Walk of Witness followed by All age Worship at 11:00 am
Maundy Thursday is a commemoration of the Last Supper, the final meal Jesus takes with his disciples before his crucifixion. The readings will be Leviticus 16: 2-25 and 1 Corinthians 11: 22-26.
The Agape Meal is an ancient tradition in Christianity. It is a religious meal linked closely to communion. Members of the church meet together as an outward symbol of their faith and community.
Compline, also known as Complin, is a centuries old service of Prayers at the End of the Day. It is the final church service of the day in the Christian tradition of canonical hours. We will be holding these three Benefice services as a time of contemplation in the run up to Easter. In this…