bringing God's loving word to God's world
Sileby Christmas Carol Services

Christingle Service

A Christingle means “Christ Light”. The Christingle itself is used to celebrate Jesus Christ as the “Light of the World”. The Christingle usually consists of: An orange, represents the world A lit candle pushed into the centre of the orange, represents Jesus Christ as Light of the World A red ribbon wrapped around the orange,…

Sileby Christmas Carol Services

Christingle Party

This year’s Christingle Party will be held in the Saint Mary’s Centre at 2:30pm for primary aged children. It will be followed by a Christingle Service in St Mary’s church for all the family. To book a place for your child please send an email to [email protected]

Bring and Share

Bring & Share Lunch – November

The Seagrave Bring and Share lunch occurs on the forth Wednesday of the month. It is held at the back of the church and all are welcome. It is a time for village residents and their friends to share not just their food but, to talk and meet new people. For details telephone Sandy Lewis…

Saint Mary's Church

Christmas Coffee Morning

A coffee morning will be held on Saturday 24th November from 10am – 12 noon in Church. The stalls will include cakes, crafts, cards, jewellery, gifts and a raffle. If anyone wishes to include a stall of their own, please contact Beverly T:815525. Please do come along and support this event, whilst enjoying friendship, fellowship…

St Marys Centre

Ladies Christmas Craft Evening

Come and join us for a fun evening creating Christmas crafts – suitable for all abilities! We’ll have a break for nibbles and drinks and time to think about the true meaning of Christmas. Come along and bring a friend or two or three! The evening is completely free and you get to take your…

Pain Family Lunch

Chris and Kesia Pain Lunch

After the 11.00 service in Sileby today, there will be a bring and share lunch in the St. Mary’s Centre after the service. We have been supporting the Pain family who have been in Japan as part of OMF International for a number of years. Please do come along and meet them, their story is…

God Particle

The God Particle

A quantum physicist and a vicar walk into a bar, joining forces to solve a perplexing mystery, they discover the real meaning of faith, knowledge, love and the importance of keeping an open mind. A brand new romantic comedy sci-fi from the award winning co-writer of BBC 1’s Miranda, BBC 3’s Bluestone 42 and Radio…

St Marys Centre

Life Explored 2018

Life Explored is an exciting new way to share the gospel in today’s highly visual culture. The seven interactive sessions are based on stunning films shot all over the globe. Life Explored will help people uncover what they’re really living for, and see how, in Christ, God meets their deepest desires for happiness. Session 1…

Cornerstone Church Nottingham

Midlands Men’s Convention – “Unashamed, The Gospel

Midlands Men’s Convention – “Unashamed, The Gospel: The better Story. Saturday 3rd November, Cornerstone Church Nottingham. There are leaflets available at the back of each church which give full details of the day, a timetable, details of the work shops available, cost and how to book. For he first time they are running a youth…

Bring and Share

Bring & Share Lunch – October

The Seagrave Bring and Share lunch occurs on the forth Wednesday of the month. It is held at the back of the church and all are welcome. It is a time for village residents and their friends to share not just their food but, to talk and meet new people. For details telephone Sandy Lewis…