bringing God's loving word to God's world
Bishop Martyn Snow

Our Bishops Visit the deanery

Visit by our Bishops, Martyn and Guli Our two bishops, Martyn and Guli, will be spending an evening in our deanery. This will be a tremendous opportunity to learn about the initiatives going on in Leicester Diocese, the diocesan vision and the resources available to parishes. It will also be an opportunity to report on…

Jonathan Veira Concert Rothley

An evening with Jonathan Viera

An evening with Jonathan Viera Saturday 9th March at 7.15pm Rothley Church are putting on an evening’s entertainment with the international singer and raconteur, Jonathan Viera ( Tickets cost £12 per person including liquid refreshment and are available from Trevor West E: [email protected] or T: 0116 2374443 The concert is being held in Rothley School…

Prestwold Hall

Prestwold Concert 2019

Friday 8th March 2019 at 7.00 for 7.30pm: a professional concert performed in the delightful setting of Prestwold Hall by Timothy Ridout (viola) and Chiao-Ying Chang (piano), playing music by several composers including Schumann and Brahms. Wine/soft drinks on arrival and hot supper with wine/soft drinks during interval. Tickets cost £28.00. The proceeds will be…

Duncan Surgery

Rector’s Surgery – March 2019

The purpose of the 1st Wednesday of the month Rector’s surgeries are for me to hear and understand what you think and a chance for you to talk about what is bothering you or challenging you. I am more than happy for you to come and see me and say you didn’t like my last…

St Marys Centre

Benefice Lunch Club – March 2019

The Benefice Lunch Club is held on the first Wednesday of the month (except August) in the St Mary’s Centre. It starts at 12.00 pm and includes a two course meal. Don’t forget to invite any friends or neighbours that might enjoy some company. We really look forward to seeing you. If you have any…

Bring and Share

Bring & Share Lunch – February 2019

The Seagrave Bring and Share lunch occurs on the forth Wednesday of the month. It is held at the back of the church and all are welcome. It is a time for village residents and their friends to share not just their food but, to talk and meet new people. For details telephone Sandy Lewis…

Duncan Surgery

Rector’s Surgery – February 2019

The purpose of the 1st Wednesday of the month Rector’s surgeries are for me to hear and understand what you think and a chance for you to talk about what is bothering you or challenging you. I am more than happy for you to come and see me and say you didn’t like my last…

St Marys Centre

Benefice Lunch Club – February 2019

The Benefice Lunch Club is held on the first Wednesday of the month (except August) in the St Mary’s Centre. It starts at 12.00 pm and includes a two course meal. Don’t forget to invite any friends or neighbours that might enjoy some company. We really look forward to seeing you. If you have any…

Jazz Evening

Friends of St Mary’s – Jazz Evening

Friends of St. Mary’s: Jazz Evening on Friday 25th January at 7:30 pm in St. Mary’s Centre, to raise funds towards repairs on the East Pinnacles. This is a return visit by the excellent Chris Hill band, with Caroline Sharpe on vocals. Included is a Cheese and Wine supper, tickets are £10 and available from…

Bring and Share

Bring & Share Lunch – January 2019

The Seagrave Bring and Share lunch occurs on the forth Wednesday of the month. It is held at the back of the church and all are welcome. It is a time for village residents and their friends to share not just their food but, to talk and meet new people. For details telephone Sandy Lewis…