One outcome of the Benefice Day of Prayer on 16th March was that as a Church we should include a Prayer dimension wider than the Benefice. This was implemented by the proposal that we meet monthly for this purpose, initially at Seagrave Church, 7.30 – 8.30 pm, on the 2nd Friday of the month. The first meeting was on 12th April with prayer for God’s battered people in Syria, Nigeria and South India and for Chris & Kesia Pain.
The next such meeting will be at 7.30 pm on Friday, 10th May in Seagrave Church. Please come and bring your concerns for prayer for God’s church/ people in battered and confused situations overseas. ‘People ought always to pray and not give up’, Luke 18:1 (and see also Luke 18:27). For clarification any further information please phone John Dean Tel: 01509 812165