We will tell the next generation of the amazing things that God has done

XTB – eXplore The Bible
XTB – eXplore meets Sundays 11 am on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd weeks of the month, at St. Mary’s church, Sileby. We welcome any children aged 3 to year 6 to join us as we eXplore The Bible! We use games, songs, stories, craft, drama and quizzes to help us XTB.All our leaders are DBS checked, experienced and enjoy XTB.
For more information contact, [email protected]

ASK – after school klub!
Meets Wednesdays 3.30 – 4.45 during school term at the St Mary’s Centre, Mountsorrel Lane. We welcome any children of primary school age to join us. We play games, make craft, listen to a Bible story, have a snack and quiz. All our leaders are DBS checked, experienced and enjoy ASK!
For more information contact, [email protected]

Toddler Groups
For mums / dads / carers and their children aged 0- 4. We have 3 toddler groups each of which offer: drinks and biscuit for carers and time to chat with others free play, song and Bible story time, craft and snack time for children.
Please note: carers are responsible for their children at these groups:
Wednesday Club, 9.15 – 11am Seagrave Church, £1 – Jenny Dyer 01509 812163
Thursday 9.15 – 11.15am, Squeals on Wheels, St. Mary’s Church, £1 – Joy Wood 01509 812493
Wednesday 9 – 11am, Noah’s Ark, Memorial Hall, Cossington, £2 – Lynn Castleman 01509 816995

Summer Holiday Club
We run this in the summer for primary age children: games, songs, drama, puppets, Bible stories, craft and quizzes. Follow up events include a Light Party near Halloween, a Christingle Party and a Pancake Party.
For information on these events contact, [email protected]