To the Church Smyrna Revelation 2:8-11. The church was suffering misfortune and poverty, which are often closely linked. When Christians are being persecuted, they may find it difficult to find employment. However, the poverty of the church in Smyrna was only economic, they were spiritually rich. 1. The Persecution Smyrna was a Greek city dating back to…
Mark 7 24 – 30 “Jesus Honours a Syrophoenician Woman”. Although based on the reading in Mark, Duncan has also drawn heavily on Matthew 15. When writing his gospel, Matthew was aiming it at a Jewish audience. He therefore included references that would chime a chord with Jewish Christians. The Gospel of Mark on the…
To the Church of Ephesus Revelation 2: 1-7. Ephesus was a famous church planted by the apostle Paul (Acts 19:1-41), and afterwards grown and led by John, who viewed it as his home. This is the first of the churches that John deals with. Each has a different message for us today as we shall…
Revelation 1: 1 – 18 Greetings and Doxology. This chapter is an introduction to the book. It contains; An inscription proclaiming its trustworthiness, a blessing on all those who read and accept the contents of the book, and how Jesus appeared to the apostle John, when he delivered this revelation to him.
Daniel 12:4 to 13 – The End Times. Daniel has had the future countries and empires and God’s influence over the End Times. Two questions are asked; When shall the end be? And, what shall the end be? These two questions are asked and answered here, in the end of the book.
Daniel 10:1 to 11:1 Daniel’s Vision of a Man This section is the subject of two linked sermons. The second part covers Daniel 11:1 to 12:3. This chapter and chapter 12 make up one entire vision and prophecy, communicated to Daniel for the use of the church, as previously(Dan. 7:1-8:27), but by express words. Download…
Daniel 9:20-27 – The Seventy “Sevens” The answer that was immediately sent to Daniel’s prayer, made in the first part of the chapter. It is striking as it contains the most vivid prediction of Christ and gospel-grace in the Old Testament. Download Here