bringing God's loving word to God's world

Old News

Seagrave Carol Service

Cossington Christmas Carol Service

We are pleased to announce that the village’s annual carol service, which could not be held last year due to Covid-19, will take place this in the church. Government restrictions allowing, the carol service will be held at 5pm on Sunday 19th December 2021. More details to follow.

All Saints Seagrave Church

Seagrave Sunday Service 13th September

There will be 9:30 am service at All Saints Seagrave on Sunday 13th September 2020.  The will be no singing but all will be welcome, particularly our brothers and sisters in Christ from Cossington.  Heather Hall will be preaching on Luke 7:31-35. There will be no service next week at Seagrave and we encourage you…

Service Sheet Sunday

This is the service sheet we will be using online on Sunday please log on at The service sheet can be downloaded from here Service Sheet Aug 23rd 2020

The Church reopens

The Church Re-opens

As of now, we are running a 9:00 o’clock morning prayer at Saint Mary’s Sileby and on the 6th of September we plan to run a 9:30am morning prayer at Cossington, An 11:00 o’clock service at Saint Mary’s with children’s work, and a 5:00pm outdoor songs of praise at Seagrave. We will be taking steps…